
Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Action Plan 4

Our last action plan was to create a website to create awareness around the water issues of Christchurch and how people could help.

The link to the website is:

And this is a screenshot of a part of the website
Inline image 1

Action Plan 3

Our third action plan was a flyer to show the damage that we have done to the Avon river.

Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Action Plan 2

Our second action plan was to email the Christchurch City Council and ask if they had any volunteer work to do with cleaning rivers

Project Based Learning - Action Plan 1

Our first action plan was to email Environment Canterbury and ask if they had any volunteer work we could do involving river cleaning.

Monday, 20 November 2017

Project Based Learning - Action Plan

These are our four action plans for project based learning, they show what steps we are going to take within the next few weeks
Steps needed to achieve the goal.
What will help us achieve this goal?(Enablers)
Possible barriers and how they could be overcome.
Who is responsible for this step?
Date this step will be achieved by.
Contact ecan and ask if they have any volunteer work
Teachers letting us contact ecan
Them actually being available
Other students already contacted ecan
Don't have any volunteer work currently

Kimberley and I
action plan 2
Steps needed to achieve the goal.
What will help us achieve this goal?(Enablers)
Possible barriers and how they could be overcome.
Who is responsible for this step?
Date this step will be achieved by.
Contact christchurch city council and ask about what we can do help improve our waterways
Teachers letting us contact christchurch city council
The council making contact with us
Not having anything we could do
action plan 3 
Steps needed to achieve the goal.
What will help us achieve this goal?(Enablers)
Possible barriers and how they could be overcome.
Who is responsible for this step?
Date this step will be achieved by.
Promoting clean waterways (posters, social media, parents businesses)
Reliable sources of information
Denied by parents businesses
Whole group
action plan 4
Steps needed to achieve the goal.
What will help us achieve this goal?(Enablers)
Possible barriers and how they could be overcome.
Who is responsible for this step?
Date this step will be achieved by.
Making a website to inform people of the issue
Finding some good links to show on the website
Finding a link showing donation things
Time management - keep ahead of time and keep to a schedule

Thursday, 16 November 2017

Project Based Learning

We have named our group "My name's not Rick!" our group includes Kim, Alazae, Joseph and I. The topic we have decided to focus on is river cleaning/pollution as a lot of the rivers around Canterbury are polluted due to our agriculture, litter, etc. The impact that we wish to have on our community is promoting the awareness of this subject and going and physically cleaning rivers to help our environment.

Websites we have visited include:
Website Name
Date we accessed site

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Social Science - Haiti Earthquake

For social science we are doing a study in groups of different natural disasters our group chose the Haiti earthquake. Our group originally consisted of Kim, Alazae, and I but we now it consists of Kim, Alazae, Anzac, and I.

For the first lesson we decided what natural disaster we were going to do and then began to research about it.
In the second and third period we continued to research about the earthquake and found clips and pictures from the Haiti earthquake

For the past few lessons we have been researching the social, environmental, economical, effects of the Haiti earthquake. We also researched how earthquakes are made. We wrote paragraphs on each of these.

Wednesday, 13 September 2017

English Assessment - Persuasive Writing Letter

4 September 2017

Dear Potential Sponsor,

I am writing this letter to you to address why you should become a sponsor for me in the Hunger Games this year.

First of all I will address the fact that I am from District 2 therefore the probability of me winning is considerably high already as we win 4/5  games. We are put into a training academy until we are 18, this meaning that I have multiple skills that tributes from other districts will not have nor gain from a mere week of training beforehand. As for one example, I have been trained to fight in water, I think this skill is beneficial for me as I am sure that most tributes will have never attempted this valuable skill before.

Secondly I am unquestionably smart, with my own particular trait of strategic thinking, my tutors will personally tell you this. An abundance of things I have learnt over the years apply to the Hunger Games easily as I have a wide array of knowledge, including survival skills and strategic tactics. I am a strategic thinker naturally and therefore I have enhanced this talent so much that it is proving a threat for other tributes. Of course I am not forgetting my survival skills that have accumulated over the years, some of the survival skills I have learnt are things such as which berries are poisonous, where to find water, and when and how to start a fire. Having these skills paired with my strategic thinking will lead to a game filled with the undeniably tragic deaths of other tributes, and me the lone victor, winning the games for the deserving souls of District 2. And I’m sure that will feel great.

Now my fate is up to you. Will you join the games?

Thank you for your giving me part of your valuable time.

Kind regards,

Thursday, 7 September 2017


Today I learnt how to do a cartwheel. We started by putting our hands flat on a box and walking over it. This progressed into jumping over it and putting our legs up. I think I could do a full cartwheel next time if I practiced a bit more.

Friday, 11 August 2017

Science - Acids, Bases, and Indicators

Acids, Bases and Indicators
Aim: To investigate how indicators change colour in acids and bases.


1. Set up your spotting tile with two drops of acids in the first row of four, two drops of water in teh middle row of four and then 2 drops of base in the last row of four.
2. In the first row of three put a small piece of red litmus paper (tear your strip into three for this), in the second row put a small piece of blue litmus paper, in the third row a small piece of universal litmus paper and in the fourth a drop of universal indicator.
3 Take a photo of your spotting tile and insert it here:

Conclusion: Different acids and bases don't change the paper into the same colour a lot of the time.

Thursday, 25 May 2017

German Expression - Art

Edvard Munch, Self-portrait Facing Left, 1912-13, woodcut with gouges, 44 x 35.3 cm, printed by the artist.:

Edvard Munch, (1912 - 1913) Self Portrait Facing Left 

Born in 1863 in Loten, Norway
He created "the Scream" painting
Died 23 January 1944
Studied in the Royal School of Art and Design in 1881
He had a drinking habit and mental illness, his mental illness is what inspired a lot of his work

Käthe Kollwitz (German, 1867-1945): Death and Tragedy:
Kathe Kollwitz (1867 - 1945) Death and Tragedy 
Kathe Kollwitz was born on July 8th, 1867 in Konisberg East Prussia
She studied at all womens art schools
At 17 she became engaged to Karl Kollwitz
She became a succesful artist, a wife, and had two sons

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

The Power Of One - Research

  • Set in Africa during the 1930's and 1940's
  • Took place mainly in South Africa
  • There was a lot of economic inequality during the time frame it took place
  • Their national party tried to delay off bankruptcy by raising taxes on imports
  • By 1950 the government had banned between whites and people of other races
  • Land acts or laws gave over 80% of the land to the white south Africans 
  • To try and limit contact between the races each had their own public facilities
  • Socially, at schools, there were different types of schools based on race. There would be a white Afrikaan school, Bantu schools, English schools, etc.
  • At the time, Apartheid took place.
  • Bantu's were given a district and couldn't travel to other areas that were inhibited by the whites.
  • Whites did whatever they could to try and push the Black Africans out of there own country or at least get them as far away from whites as possible.
  • Black Africans were called “Bantu’s”
  • The white Africans (Afrikaans) also hated Black africans and hailed Hitler.
  • People believed that people who were black were black with sin and that was part of the reasons people hated black people.
  • The government had divided schools.

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Reading Comprehension - English


Find an example of personification

"Until the rain interfered, running its icy fingers down my back,"

Find an example of an onomatopoeia

"There was a clatter in the bakery"

Example of direct speech

"Feed it to the pig, you stupid creature! Why not? No one decent will buy burned bread!"

Example of reported speech

"Suddenly a voice was screaming at me and I looked up to see the bakers wife, telling me to move on and did I want her to call the Peacekeepers and how sick she was of having those brats from the Seam pawing through her rubbish."

Why has the author chosen italics for certain sentences?

To show the readers the characters thoughts.

How does the writer show that the girl is starving?

"The heat of the bread burned into my skin, but I clutched it tighter, clinging to life." This sentence shows how hungry she is and she is saying that that bread is her lifeline, and if she didn't have it, she would be dead.

Do you think the boy dropped  the bread on purpose? Explain your thoughts.

I think the boy did drop the bread to her on purpose as he threw it right to her as she says in the text, it landed by her feet when it was meant to be thrown towards the pig.

Why did the boy never look at her?

I think that the boy never looked at her because he felt bad that he had a warm home and food for days, meanwhile she was starving, going through rubbish bins in the rain.

Why did she stare at the loafs of bread in disbelief?

Because she never thought that the boy would throw her bread or show her any act of kindness at that moment.

What is the importance of the phrase "clinging to life"?

This phrase is important because it shows that she is almost dead, if not dying.

Friday, 12 May 2017

Social Studies - Teamwork.


Today in Social Studies were were told to build a pyramid out of lego in teams in 5 minutes, we did this two times, once without a plan, and one with a plan. Teamwork was best when we had a plan because we each had designated jobs and responsibilities to uphold and if we didnt the whole plan would fall apart. Whereas when we had no plan no one really knew what they were doing, which made the process slower and the outcome not as god as when we had a plan.

This was our outcome with the plan.
We also build a sphinx.

Art Progress

This is my mixed media artwork in its current state.

(Don't mind my finger there...)

This is my mixed media drawing/painting that I started near the start of term one. I like some parts of my artwork, such as the face and the Vogue piece, although I think if I did this again I would rather have a plan of where everything is going to go as I think this painting/drawing is quite messy in appearance. I would also want to get rid of whatever is happening near the "I" in "Fashion" as this was me just experimenting and I don't think it turned out particularly well. Asides from that I am quite happy with this artwork.

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Technology - Social Studies

What does to technology mean to me?

To mean technology just means an aid or a helping hand. Whether its a protestic arm for an amputee or just a toaster, it is just an aid to make our lives easier.

Sunday, 9 April 2017

The Outsiders Chapter Review Questions - English

Johnny makes a surprising decision. What is it? Why does Dally plead
with him to change his mind?
Johnny decides to turn himself in, Dally pleads him not to do it because he doesn't want to see Johnny get hurt or put into jail.

Why does Ponyboy feel responsible for the burning of the church?
Ponyboy feels responsible for the burning of the church because he feels that it could have been one of his cigarettes that started the fire.

Who is injured most badly in the fire and how?
Johnny is injured most badly as he was in the fire for the longest, and the roof caved and fell on him knocking him unconscious and has inhaled to much smoke from the fire.

At the end of this chapter, Ponyboy realizes how Darry really feels
about him. What is Darry’s fear? How does Ponyboy understand this?
Darrys fear is losing Ponyboy or Sodapop. Ponyboy understands this by how Darry was acting and what he said to him.

Fill in the blanks to practice writing paragraphs the SEXY way (statement, example, explanation, your link/opinion). Feel free to tweak the sentence starters, as long as the basic structure remains the same.

A theme present in the novel The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton is the importance of friendship and belonging.

Example and quote
An example of the theme of the importance of friendship and belonging is when Johnny asks about his parents and if they asked about him Dally snapped and said no. This shows that Johnny is isolated from his parents and is much more close with the "gang" and sees them as his family, but still wants to be loved and cared about by his parents.
The author writes, “My parents." Johnny repeated doggedly, "Did they ask about me?" "No" snapped Dally. "they didn't."

This quote reflects the theme of the importance of friendship and belonging as it shows that although Johnny still cares and wants to be loved by his parents Dally feels that its a waste of time and that Johnny belongs with the "gang" and not his immediate family because of how they treat him.

Your link/opinion
The theme of the importance of friendship and  belonging connects to the wider world.
For example, everybody has friends or family and they can belong to both or one or the other as it is an experience that differs with everyone.

English - Chapter Questions 9

On the bottom of pg 132 when Pony asks "what kind of a world is it when all I have to be proud of is..." What comment is he making on society?

His comment is about how society judges people based on how they look and the reputation of what they are or where they came from.

The boys all have different reasons for fighting why is Pony's different?
Not sure

What do you think Johnny's last words to Pony mean?

I think Johnny's last words to Pony meant for Pony to stay how he was then and don't change for anyone or anything.

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Chapter Questions - English

Chapter One At the beginning of the novel, the main character, ____1_____, exits the movie theater and is jumped by the rival group of boys called the _____2______. As he’s being jumped, his brothers _____3______ and ______4______ and the other greasers come to save him. The other members of the greasers include _______6_________, a smart-mouthed boy who has been in school for a long time, _____5________ who works with Sodapop at the DX gas station, ______7__________ a sixteen-year-old who has a rough home life and has been beaten up by the Socs in the pas, and a tough hoodlum named _____8______ who recently got out of jail. Chapter Two Ponyboy and ______1_______ sneak into the drive-in with ______2______. The three boys sit behind two Soc girls, Marcia and ______3________. Cherry Valance gets mad at ________4_________ and throws a ______5______ in his face. She then asks Johnny and Ponyboy to move up and join them. ______6______, one of the greasers, shows up to watch the movie too. Pony goes to get popcorn and tells Cherry Valance why ______7_______ is so nervous around the Socs; it’s because he was _____8______ by them in the past. Cherry tries to convince Pony that not all _____9_____ are mean and that even they have problems. Chapter Three Pony, Johnny and Two-Bit start to walk home with ___1____ and ___2___. Pony and Cherry talk and discuss what separates Socs from greasers. Ponyboy thinks what separates them the most is ____3____; Cherry argues that it’s ____4____. Soon, a blue ___5_____ pulls up and Bob and ___6____, two Socs, get out and take the girls home. Later, Pony falls asleep in the _______7_____ when he and Johnny are there looking at the stars. Pony gets home so late that Darry ____8_____him and ____9_____ runs away. After meeting up with, ___10____, however, Pony decides to “cool off” at the park before returning home.

  1. Ponyboy
  2. Socs
  3. Sodapop
  4. Darry
  5. Steve
  6. Twobit
  7. Johnny
  8. Dallas

  1. Johnny
  2. Twobit
  3. Cherry
  4. Twobit
  5. Cola
  6. Dallas
  7. Johnny
  8. Beaten
  9. Socs

  1. Cherry
  2. Marcia
  3. Money
  4. Class
  5. Mustang
  6. Randy
  7. Lot
  8. Hits
  9. Ponyboy
  10. Johnny

The Outsiders Chapters 1-3 Questions

Chapter 1
1. What do you know about Ponyboy, Sodapop, and Darry?
They are all brothers with Darry being the oldest and Ponyboy being the youngest. Their mother and father are dead. Darry works a lot and Sodapop is kind and compassionate.
2. Who are the Socs? Who are the Greasers?
The Socs are the upper class and greasers are the lower class.
3. How do Ponyboy’s relationships with Darry and Sodapop differ? Explain.
Sodapop and Ponyboy are more like friends than brothers meanwhile Darry is more of the father figure of the three and Ponyboy is convinced that Darry hates him.
4. Why is the “gang” important to Johnny?
The gang is important to Johnny because his family and he feels safer there.  Since his family beat him.
5. How does Ponyboy react to what Sodapop tells him about Darry?
Ponyboy reacts by telling Sodapop that he is lying and s very ignorant towards the whole situation.
6. What does Ponyboy mean when he says at the end of chapter 1, “I lie to myself all the time?” Do you ever lie to yourself? Why?
He lies to himself about how he feels to try and make things better for himself.

Chapter 2
1. Who is the Fuzz?
The police
2. What happens at the drive-in?
They meet Marcia and Cherrie
3. Why doesn’t Ponyboy like referring to Sodapop as a dropout?
Because it makes him sad and embarrassed
4. What happened to Johnny?
Johnny got beat up and was hit with rings

Chapter 3
Define these words:
  1. Aloof
Not friendly, cold, distant.
  1. Impersonally
Not showing or involving personal feelings.
  1. Ornery
Bad tempered or difficult to deal with.
  1. Resignedly
Just accepting it, even if you don't want to.

1. What does Cherry explain as the difference between the Socs and the Greasers?
Things are rough all over. Shes saying that the Soc aren't the bad guys and the Greasers aren't the bad guys it's just people's perspective.
2. Why does Johnny like it better when his father is hitting him?
He likes it better when his father hits him because it's the only time he will get recognized, or acknowledged from his parents.
3. How does the author foreshadow that bad things are going to happen?
I didn't think things could get any worse. But I was wrong. The author uses a cliffhanger.

Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Transfer - Art

Today in art for releiving work we were given a worksheet of sorts and told to transfer one of the three drawings on it. We did this by measuring the lines and multiplying them by 1.5 then drew that line into our books and continuing this until we got our transfer. After this we added the shading according to the picture we got. This is what mine turned out like, after this picture was taken I went back the next lesson to improve it and tried to add better shading, I think it turned out well but I still have a lot of space to improve on my shading.

Lettering - Art

Today in art we took a picture of a fashion magazine and tried to copy the lettering from the title. The next lesson we tried adding colour to the lettering the colours I used were red, pink, and white. I tried to use tonal shading next to the I for a negative background personally I don't think it turned out well. I also added lines of white and pink behind the S and A and I personally thought it looked quite good. Other things I tried out include using white as a highlight in the letters and putting red in the letters to draw a slight bit more attention to the lettering.

Techniques - Art

Today in art we played with charcoal and white pastel and tried out different techniques used for drawing. The techniques I used were line drawing, print making/transfer, smudging, tonal shading, rubbing back, marking, and erasing. This was my finished product. I think I did all of the techniques alright but could have improved in my fluency of using them. My favorite technique was line drawing and tonal shading.