Chapter One At the beginning of the novel, the main character, ____1_____, exits the movie theater and is jumped by the rival group of boys called the _____2______. As he’s being jumped, his brothers _____3______ and ______4______ and the other greasers come to save him. The other members of the greasers include _______6_________, a smart-mouthed boy who has been in school for a long time, _____5________ who works with Sodapop at the DX gas station, ______7__________ a sixteen-year-old who has a rough home life and has been beaten up by the Socs in the pas, and a tough hoodlum named _____8______ who recently got out of jail. Chapter Two Ponyboy and ______1_______ sneak into the drive-in with ______2______. The three boys sit behind two Soc girls, Marcia and ______3________. Cherry Valance gets mad at ________4_________ and throws a ______5______ in his face. She then asks Johnny and Ponyboy to move up and join them. ______6______, one of the greasers, shows up to watch the movie too. Pony goes to get popcorn and tells Cherry Valance why ______7_______ is so nervous around the Socs; it’s because he was _____8______ by them in the past. Cherry tries to convince Pony that not all _____9_____ are mean and that even they have problems. Chapter Three Pony, Johnny and Two-Bit start to walk home with ___1____ and ___2___. Pony and Cherry talk and discuss what separates Socs from greasers. Ponyboy thinks what separates them the most is ____3____; Cherry argues that it’s ____4____. Soon, a blue ___5_____ pulls up and Bob and ___6____, two Socs, get out and take the girls home. Later, Pony falls asleep in the _______7_____ when he and Johnny are there looking at the stars. Pony gets home so late that Darry ____8_____him and ____9_____ runs away. After meeting up with, ___10____, however, Pony decides to “cool off” at the park before returning home.
- Ponyboy
- Socs
- Sodapop
- Darry
- Steve
- Twobit
- Johnny
- Dallas
- Johnny
- Twobit
- Cherry
- Twobit
- Cola
- Dallas
- Johnny
- Beaten
- Socs
- Cherry
- Marcia
- Money
- Class
- Mustang
- Randy
- Lot
- Hits
- Ponyboy
- Johnny
The Outsiders Chapters 1-3 Questions
Chapter 1
1. What do you know about Ponyboy, Sodapop, and Darry?
They are all brothers with Darry being the oldest and Ponyboy being the youngest. Their mother and father are dead. Darry works a lot and Sodapop is kind and compassionate.
2. Who are the Socs? Who are the Greasers?
The Socs are the upper class and greasers are the lower class.
3. How do Ponyboy’s relationships with Darry and Sodapop differ? Explain.
Sodapop and Ponyboy are more like friends than brothers meanwhile Darry is more of the father figure of the three and Ponyboy is convinced that Darry hates him.
4. Why is the “gang” important to Johnny?
The gang is important to Johnny because his family and he feels safer there. Since his family beat him.
5. How does Ponyboy react to what Sodapop tells him about Darry?
Ponyboy reacts by telling Sodapop that he is lying and s very ignorant towards the whole situation.
6. What does Ponyboy mean when he says at the end of chapter 1, “I lie to myself all the time?” Do you ever lie to yourself? Why?
He lies to himself about how he feels to try and make things better for himself.
Chapter 2
1. Who is the Fuzz?
The police
2. What happens at the drive-in?
They meet Marcia and Cherrie
3. Why doesn’t Ponyboy like referring to Sodapop as a dropout?
Because it makes him sad and embarrassed
4. What happened to Johnny?
Johnny got beat up and was hit with rings
Chapter 3
Define these words:
- Aloof
Not friendly, cold, distant.
- Impersonally
Not showing or involving personal feelings.
- Ornery
Bad tempered or difficult to deal with.
- Resignedly
Just accepting it, even if you don't want to.
1. What does Cherry explain as the difference between the Socs and the Greasers?
Things are rough all over. Shes saying that the Soc aren't the bad guys and the Greasers aren't the bad guys it's just people's perspective.
2. Why does Johnny like it better when his father is hitting him?
He likes it better when his father hits him because it's the only time he will get recognized, or acknowledged from his parents.
3. How does the author foreshadow that bad things are going to happen?
I didn't think things could get any worse. But I was wrong. The author uses a cliffhanger.