
Thursday, 25 May 2017

German Expression - Art

Edvard Munch, Self-portrait Facing Left, 1912-13, woodcut with gouges, 44 x 35.3 cm, printed by the artist.:

Edvard Munch, (1912 - 1913) Self Portrait Facing Left 

Born in 1863 in Loten, Norway
He created "the Scream" painting
Died 23 January 1944
Studied in the Royal School of Art and Design in 1881
He had a drinking habit and mental illness, his mental illness is what inspired a lot of his work

Käthe Kollwitz (German, 1867-1945): Death and Tragedy:
Kathe Kollwitz (1867 - 1945) Death and Tragedy 
Kathe Kollwitz was born on July 8th, 1867 in Konisberg East Prussia
She studied at all womens art schools
At 17 she became engaged to Karl Kollwitz
She became a succesful artist, a wife, and had two sons

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

The Power Of One - Research

  • Set in Africa during the 1930's and 1940's
  • Took place mainly in South Africa
  • There was a lot of economic inequality during the time frame it took place
  • Their national party tried to delay off bankruptcy by raising taxes on imports
  • By 1950 the government had banned between whites and people of other races
  • Land acts or laws gave over 80% of the land to the white south Africans 
  • To try and limit contact between the races each had their own public facilities
  • Socially, at schools, there were different types of schools based on race. There would be a white Afrikaan school, Bantu schools, English schools, etc.
  • At the time, Apartheid took place.
  • Bantu's were given a district and couldn't travel to other areas that were inhibited by the whites.
  • Whites did whatever they could to try and push the Black Africans out of there own country or at least get them as far away from whites as possible.
  • Black Africans were called “Bantu’s”
  • The white Africans (Afrikaans) also hated Black africans and hailed Hitler.
  • People believed that people who were black were black with sin and that was part of the reasons people hated black people.
  • The government had divided schools.

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Reading Comprehension - English


Find an example of personification

"Until the rain interfered, running its icy fingers down my back,"

Find an example of an onomatopoeia

"There was a clatter in the bakery"

Example of direct speech

"Feed it to the pig, you stupid creature! Why not? No one decent will buy burned bread!"

Example of reported speech

"Suddenly a voice was screaming at me and I looked up to see the bakers wife, telling me to move on and did I want her to call the Peacekeepers and how sick she was of having those brats from the Seam pawing through her rubbish."

Why has the author chosen italics for certain sentences?

To show the readers the characters thoughts.

How does the writer show that the girl is starving?

"The heat of the bread burned into my skin, but I clutched it tighter, clinging to life." This sentence shows how hungry she is and she is saying that that bread is her lifeline, and if she didn't have it, she would be dead.

Do you think the boy dropped  the bread on purpose? Explain your thoughts.

I think the boy did drop the bread to her on purpose as he threw it right to her as she says in the text, it landed by her feet when it was meant to be thrown towards the pig.

Why did the boy never look at her?

I think that the boy never looked at her because he felt bad that he had a warm home and food for days, meanwhile she was starving, going through rubbish bins in the rain.

Why did she stare at the loafs of bread in disbelief?

Because she never thought that the boy would throw her bread or show her any act of kindness at that moment.

What is the importance of the phrase "clinging to life"?

This phrase is important because it shows that she is almost dead, if not dying.

Friday, 12 May 2017

Social Studies - Teamwork.


Today in Social Studies were were told to build a pyramid out of lego in teams in 5 minutes, we did this two times, once without a plan, and one with a plan. Teamwork was best when we had a plan because we each had designated jobs and responsibilities to uphold and if we didnt the whole plan would fall apart. Whereas when we had no plan no one really knew what they were doing, which made the process slower and the outcome not as god as when we had a plan.

This was our outcome with the plan.
We also build a sphinx.

Art Progress

This is my mixed media artwork in its current state.

(Don't mind my finger there...)

This is my mixed media drawing/painting that I started near the start of term one. I like some parts of my artwork, such as the face and the Vogue piece, although I think if I did this again I would rather have a plan of where everything is going to go as I think this painting/drawing is quite messy in appearance. I would also want to get rid of whatever is happening near the "I" in "Fashion" as this was me just experimenting and I don't think it turned out particularly well. Asides from that I am quite happy with this artwork.

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Technology - Social Studies

What does to technology mean to me?

To mean technology just means an aid or a helping hand. Whether its a protestic arm for an amputee or just a toaster, it is just an aid to make our lives easier.